25th March 2008 02:45 UTC
How to use System::Call "rapi::CeRapiInitEx...
I am trying to detect if a device is connected via activesync by using the System.dl call to CeRapiInitEx. Apparently I do not understand how to allocate memory for the structure required by this function.
The struct is as follows:
public struct RAPIINIT
public int cbsize;
public IntPtr heRapiInit;
public UInt32 hrRapiInit;
Here is my failed attempt so far (any help is appreciated)
System::Call "*(i 12, i, i) i .s"
Pop $1
System::Call "rapi::CeRapiInitEX(i r1) i .r0"
DetailPrint "CeRapiInitEX Status: $0"
DetailPrint "Struct Pointer: $1"
System::Call "*$1(i .r2, i .r3, i .r4)"
System::Free $1
DetailPrint "cbSize: $2"
DetailPrint "heRapiInit: $3"
DetailPrint "hrRapiInit: $4"
25th March 2008 03:42 UTC
are you sure its not CeRapiInitEx ?
25th March 2008 04:03 UTC
Yes you are correct - it is CeRapiInitEx
Ultimately I want to test the return value for success and then wait for the connection signal from kernel32::WaitForSingleObject
25th March 2008 19:31 UTC
What exactly doesn't work and how?
25th March 2008 20:22 UTC
I think I've got it figured out. (see below) What I was struggling with were the data types of the components of the struct and the values of the return variables. It seems that all the Microsoft docs assume that the definitions of things like S_OK are universally known. Since I am a noob with RAPI and in the NSIS scriptiong environment I don't have the headers that define S_OK, S_FAIL , etc. I was not sure what to look for in the return variable.
Anywhooo this seems to be working. Thanks for your response.
MessageBox MB_OK "Put PPC in Cradle"
System::Call "*(i 12, i, i) l .s"
Pop $1
System::Call "rapi::CeRapiInitEx(l r1) i .s"
Pop $0
DetailPrint "CeRapiInitEx Return Value: $0"
DetailPrint "Struct Pointer: $1"
System::Call "*$1(i .r2, i .r3, i .r4)"
System::Free $1
DetailPrint "cbSize: $2"
DetailPrint "heRapiInit Handle: $3"
DetailPrint "hrRapiInit Return Value: $4"
${If} $4 == 0
DetailPrint "Waiting for Signal..."
System::Call "Kernel32::WaitForSingleObject(i r3, l 300) i .r5"
DetailPrint "WaitForSingleObject Return Value: $5"
System::Call "rapi::CeRapiUninit() i. s"
Pop $1
DetailPrint "CeRapiUninit Return Value: $1"
Goto CheckConnect
25th March 2008 20:34 UTC
for most symbols like that, just google "define FOOBAR_SYMBOL" if you don't have the MS headers handy