Archive: Is dynamically adding a section possible?

Is dynamically adding a section possible?
Is it possible to add a section to an installer/uninstaller dynamically?

The sceanario I have been presented with is as follows.

I have an installer that deploys a set of tools. The installer is very flexible in that it can be re-run repeatedly to install tools that weren't selected on first install.

As part of an "update" to this set of tools, a new tool is to be added. The "update" is actually a cut-down version of the main installer, just deploying the new tool, and perhaps upgrades to the tools that need them.

The idea would be that the "update" installer would be run, and somehow "register" the fact with the main installer that this new tool exists. We've covered the scenario about new tools being available via a configuration file.

Is it possible to add a section to the components page that displays this new tool?

My first thoughts are that the answer is "no" since sections are created in the installer during its compilation.

Does anyone know better?

Thanks in advance.

I think you can approximate your desired behavior by having several hidden sections, then using SectionSetText to un-hide one or more of them.

I have also struggled with dynamic sections...

The short answer is no, you can't add a sections dynamically. But like mauvecloud hinted, you can create a number of dummy section that are then modified with SectionSet* commands at run time.