Archive: Please could someone clarify some things?

Please could someone clarify some things?
So, still heavily learning, and the logic in my head is slowly becoming clear, I think..
Could I ask:

a) A program looks at the registry of the current user, which is going to be different with every user right? I mean, the actual registry path is going to be different, so when writing the key in the installer, is there a way to skip past the user specific variable of the path, and write it in the place that it should be?

b) RedWine advised me that my custom page function was severely lacking, thanks for that :) and well, I don't quite understand how it works, perhaps if I could present what I think, then someone could tell me where I'm wrong..? This is what I thinks:

Custom page function creates the page, and offers the aesthetics through calling the .ini file. So the custom page function, should only do that right? And then, when leaving the page, there should be another function, which extracts the data from the fields, and puts into vars for registry or other use. To do this, you simply use lines like:

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $DatabaseName "Custom" "Field 6" "State"

after which I can mess with the data as I liek right?
So what I'm mostly unclear about, is what lines, determine that someone pressed the next button..?

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it a lot and will be sure to put all my understanding into an improved tutorial for people :)

Oh ahh, with regards to the skipping the current user variable that determines the exact path in the registry, I thought that there would be something like ${CURRENT_USER} that will somehow extract that part of the registry path from windows?

I'm clueless :O

Edit: btw- the type of line that I'm talking about is in this format:

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3160895723-1486372026-1913535234-1503\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Draco SSC\Main

So, the part that needs detected is the S-1-5-21..etc which obviously defines the user, and then stick that into a var for later uses.