NSIS outputs 0 byte file
Hey, I have an NSIS project that is giving me a heap of trouble and I wondered if anyone here can point me in the right direction.
The .nsi file outputs about 20 files to the install directory. One of them is a .config file "executablename.exe.config" (used in .NET projects).
For some reason, NSIS outputs this file - but there's nothing in it.
Command line:
"C:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe" /NOTIFYHWND 1705462 "C:\abcExecutable\abcExecutable\abcExecutableSetup.nsi"
Here is the code from the section in question:
Section "MainSection" SEC03
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "bin\abcexecutable.exe"
File "Blank.config"
And here is the output:
Section: "MainSection" ->(SEC03)
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR"
SetOverwrite: ifnewer
File: "abcExecutable.exe" [compress] 500732/1257472 bytes
File: "Blank.config" [compress] 1250/6670 bytes
But when I break right after that line (by using a message box), the install directory contains a file named "Blank.config" which is empty and has a size of 0 bytes.
Any ideas? I can post the rest of the script if needed, but I don't think it will be very helpful. This problem started up about a month ago for no apparent reason. I solved it once by changing the extension of the Blank.config file to Blank.xml (go figure...); but after that it had the same problem.