Archive: Check Registry before check mark is activated

Check Registry before check mark is activated

I have an installation that includes 4 different components. These components can be choosen in the components page. Now I'd like to have a check for all components if they are already insatalled. if one of the is already installed the check mark in the components page shouldn't be activated.
I can do the check of the registry by using ReadRegStr ....
but I don't know how to but it into mybe an if-condition and how to connect it to the components page.
Please help me



Use the macros from Includes\Sections.nsh to modify components selection and flags. Use SelectSection and UnselectSection for your specific needs.

Here's a snippet to start with,

OutFile "test.exe"
ShowInstDetails show

Page components components_pre
page instfiles

!include "Sections.nsh"
!include "logiclib.nsh"

Section "Example 1 (checking NSIS)" sec1
DetailPrint "Executing only if NSIS is missing (sec1)"

Section "Example 2 (Some other stuff)" sec2
DetailPrint "Some other stuff (sec2)"

Section "Example 3 (Another section)" sec3
DetailPrint "Another section (sec3)"

Function components_pre
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "Software\NSIS" ""
${Unless} ${Errors}
!insertmacro UnSelectSection ${sec1}
SectionSetText ${sec1} ""

Thanks for the help