Archive: missing uninst.exe

missing uninst.exe
Application installs perfectly, thanks for all help. There is a slight problem with it though:

When trying to uninstall, it gives me an error suggesting that it has previously been uninstalled, and that would I like to remove it from the add/remove programs list? Well.. I looked in the INSTDIR and there wasn't a uninst.exe file. Is that why it has given me such a message? And does anyone know why the uninst.exe isn't there? In my older script, the uninstaller worked perfectly, and the only things I have thought to change were the files that were installed.
I haven't yet amended the delete list, with all the correct file names, but that shouldn't affect whether the uninst.exe is created or not right?

Do you have WriteUninstaller in there?


Thanks for replying Afrow. Yes I have it buried in this lot:

Section -Post
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"

Edit1: Main reason I'm not putting in code tags, is because the forum layout gets screwed up on my end :/ hope it's ok!

Edit1: Actually, I have a loose theory, that this could be connected to the style of my custom page functions..

If you're uninstaller is set to allow for deletion of files on reboot for those files that couldn't be removed at uninstall time, this could be your culprit. I had an old issue where my uninstaller failed to remove uninst.exe and marked it to remove on reboot. However, I wasn't enforcing this reboot from my installer so that a user could then re-install the build, reboot the system, and voila, the uninstaller was gone!

Thanks for sharing your experience Goldy, although, I didn't reboot. The file seemed to simply not be created at install time :)

I'm facing the same problem but this is not consistent. It happens very rarely. Any Clues?
