9th April 2008 15:51 UTC
missing uninst.exe
Application installs perfectly, thanks for all help. There is a slight problem with it though:
When trying to uninstall, it gives me an error suggesting that it has previously been uninstalled, and that would I like to remove it from the add/remove programs list? Well.. I looked in the INSTDIR and there wasn't a uninst.exe file. Is that why it has given me such a message? And does anyone know why the uninst.exe isn't there? In my older script, the uninstaller worked perfectly, and the only things I have thought to change were the files that were installed.
I haven't yet amended the delete list, with all the correct file names, but that shouldn't affect whether the uninst.exe is created or not right?
Afrow UK
9th April 2008 16:07 UTC
Do you have WriteUninstaller in there?
9th April 2008 16:18 UTC
Thanks for replying Afrow. Yes I have it buried in this lot:
Section -Post
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
Edit1: Main reason I'm not putting in code tags, is because the forum layout gets screwed up on my end :/ hope it's ok!
Edit1: Actually, I have a loose theory, that this could be connected to the style of my custom page functions..
9th April 2008 17:49 UTC
If you're uninstaller is set to allow for deletion of files on reboot for those files that couldn't be removed at uninstall time, this could be your culprit. I had an old issue where my uninstaller failed to remove uninst.exe and marked it to remove on reboot. However, I wasn't enforcing this reboot from my installer so that a user could then re-install the build, reboot the system, and voila, the uninstaller was gone!
10th April 2008 10:27 UTC
Thanks for sharing your experience Goldy, although, I didn't reboot. The file seemed to simply not be created at install time :)
21st April 2008 08:49 UTC
I'm facing the same problem but this is not consistent. It happens very rarely. Any Clues?