Archive: How to register a key with variables?

How to register a key with variables?

I'm a new user of NSIS and I'm a bit confused... I've to add some registry keys with the installer but when I compile the script it returns an error... in particular the error occur when I use the variable "%1\" while if I omitt it the installer is created normally

These are the string that cause the problem

Section -Post
WriteRegStr HKCR "Directory\shell\VIRSCAN" "" "VIRSCAN"
WriteRegStr HKCR "Directory\shell\VIRSCAN\Command" "" "$INSTDIR\avcls.exe -noboot -nombr -r3 -heuristic:3 \"%1\""

How to solve this issue?

\" will not escape, use "foo $\"%1$\"" or 'foo "%1"'

Thanks for the help but I didn't understand what I've to do

can you post the entire corresct string to use?

Thanks a lot :)

Replace \" with $\"
