Archive: Two installers (.exe) from one .nsi file

Two installers (.exe) from one .nsi file
I'm trying to generate two .EXE installers from one .nsi file.

Actually I have one installer that generates the installer .exe name based on a variable, like this:

!define INSTALL_TYPE_1 "Type-1"
!define INSTALL_TYPE_2 "Type-2"
!define OUT_FILENAME "MyProduct-${INSTALL_TYPE}.exe"

And inside the sections I chose the files to install based on the install type...

File "docs\doc1.pdf"
File "docs\doc2.pdf"

; only for Type-1 installation.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Include"
File "include\header1.h"
File "include\header2.h"

So, every time I need to compile a new installer I need to compile once, and then change the value of INSTALL_TYPE from INSTALL_TYPE_1 to INSTALL_TYPE_2.

Is there any way to generate both installers (Type-1 and Type-2) running the compiler only once?

You can't generate two installers by running the compiler once unless that script actually calls the compiler twice with !system.