Archive: Two things, .net + BGGraident

Two things, .net + BGGraident
How do i add a picture to my installer on the background with my colors of:
BGGradient 000000 6495ED F0F8FF

Also how can i make it check if it has .NET Also if they don't have the .net how can i make it give an option to download and install it... I also would need to add some text just before the .net popup saying if they don't instal .net the updater will NOT work

I found:

But it doesnt really help, i need the nsis to Check if they have 3.5 installed if they dont i need it to download and instal/start installer from my launcher...

fabian thanks but the following links better:

However i dont know how to incorporate it into my script....

Also can someone go though my script tell me if there are any things that would work better or anything wrong... note some things dont work like the splash screen :(

Note: I have left all original file names n stuff inside..


Originally posted by XxXGoD


Originally posted by kichik
kichick :(

I pushed topic to top, because i have tried but failed miserably :( many times lol

Just read my current code i attached it somewhere, i have tried hard.

Your attached code is empty of code relevant to the question.