Archive: How to customixe NSIS pages

How to customixe NSIS pages
I am using following 5 pages in my installer:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

Now I want instead of 5 pages I need only 3 pages with same functionaity.
I want the following functionality

1.Welcome page
2. Licence + Directory in same page
3 Installfile page and finish page functionality in same page.

Is there a way to do this?

Yeah, build your custom pages and give them any functionality you like either with InstallOptions or NsDialogs.

NSIS produces great standard installation programs with little effort. However, you will need to dedicate a few hours to read the NSIS documentation, tutorials, and example programs to be able to do what you are describing!

NSIS is a great tool, and is worth the effort to learn.

How to make changes in custom pages
I am able to make UI changes in modern.exe. But now the issue is I have created a directory browse control in licence page. i am not able to get the handles of those controls.moreover I am not sure, where to makie change for adding those controls