Archive: English language as default in nsis-based installer

English language as default in nsis-based installer
Hi all,

I was just playing around with the vlc installer, rather its nsi file and i noticed that if i remove the start language selection page, its not possible to see the text in the other pages like the welcome page or the finish page (obviously).

Is there a way yo keep English (or any one language) as default and not ask the user about the language but directly go to the other install pages?

Thanks a ton!

What is the start language selection page?

If you want it to always be English, just remove any reference to other languages and remove the call to LANGDLL.

Originally posted by kichik
What is the start language selection page?
I have attached a screenie of the first dialog box that loads when the installer begins. I wanted to remove this from the installer.

If you want it to always be English, just remove any reference to other languages and remove the call to LANGDLL.
I have removed the "!insermacro MUI_LANGUAGE" for all other languages except English. But the dialog box still shows up. Heres a section of the nsi code:
; Language files
;!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" # first language is the default language


; Reserve files
I have tried commenting these lines in different permutations but no luck. If the language options dialog box is not added to the installer, the text in the other pages is not visible.

Remove any reference to LANGDLL. There is another one you missed in Function .onInit.

Hey Thanks!! That did it :)
I commented langdll references in .onInit and un.onInit functions.