Finish, Welcome pages. Is it possible....
Hello. I've been playing around with different ways to handle a couple options, but before I try to work out how to go about it or spend time trying to research something that's not possible., I have a couple questions.

Currently i'm using !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION to display a second readme checkbox on the finish page. First question. Is it possible to add more checkboxes to the finish page (4-5), or will I need to make a custom finish page?

Id like to have.

Show readme
Show Changelog
Show help file
Check for updates on windows start

On the same note, is it possible to add multiple checkboxs to the welcome page?

The reason I would like multiple checkboxs on the Welcome page is that my installer will often need to be installed twice, to two separate directories, and I'm trying to work out a way to change the stored registry settings and the default install path from Dir1/install to Dir2/Install with a user selecting that check box.
Check to install to dir1
Check to install to dir2
Check to save install options.

I could do this with a popup box, but I already have too many of those for install checks, update checks and remembering components (which i'd prefer to add to the start page). I also wanted to avoid adding a new page just to select between the two directory settings, as I believe there are already too many pages to click through.

Please forgive any spelling errors, as I just got a new keyboard and it's taking a while to get used to :P