Archive: Customising MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page

Customising MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page
Hi, I have a custom installer. my last page MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES. Here on this page it shows a progress bar. I want to display a image on this page, which says thanks for installing....... etc. Now i have two issues:

1. How to put a image there. And when user clicks Show details btn, that image should get hide.

2. Secondly, while uninstalling the same page comes, so I don't want to show that image there.

Thanks in advance, plz reply.

If you want use different images on welcome page and finish page, you must prepare an image named "modern-wizard.bmp", use a hidden section to replace the image file on finish page:

SetOutPath "$PluginsDir"
File "modern-wizard.bmp"

If you want to custom the finish page, an easy way is use "!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW Function" before "!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH". Write your custom ini file completely replace the file "$PluginsDir\ioSpecial.ini".

My pages are like:

Page custom nsDialogsWelcome
Page custom nsDialogsDirectory

!insertmacro GetRoot

I want to put an image on MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES page, but I don't want to show that image on uninstall page. Moreover when the user clicks on show detail button on install page that image shud get hidden

You may try:
ShowUninstDetail Show
to directly show the details.

Do you use Marquee plug-in to show image? I never use it and I can help you anumore.

No I don't use Marquee plug-in to show image

Is this what you are looking for?