Archive: UAC configure with UAC.LNG

UAC configure with UAC.LNG
How can I include the UAC.LNG (from the UAC.DLL). I need the option: HideCurrUserOpt. The Ini-File is in the plgindir, but it doesnt work.
I create the dll for a test without the FEAT_CUSTOMRUNASDLG_TRANSLATE - its the same result.
Have anybody an idea?

and this is on Vista RTM as a standard (non admin user) with UAC OFF?

Hm, isnt the UAC.LNG only for the RunAs-dialog under XP?

following sections should configure the RunAs-Dialog:

;Set to 1 to disable the radio button
;Set to 1 to hide the radio button
DlgTitle=Hello There!
HelpText=Just do your thing!
;Label for current user radio button, %s is replaced with result of GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible,...)
OptCurrUser=Self service (%s)
OptOtherUser=Run as someone:
Cancel=No Way

I thought with these strings and bool-parameters you can cofigure the RunAs-Dialog under XP.

no, it is only for Vista standard user with uac off (It's only to workaround a bug in vista when UAC is off)

You could change the source code and recompile if you really want to use my custom run as dialog for everything

upps, ok . many thanks.
It is possible to hide the current-user radio-button under xp ?

ofcourse its possible, but its not something I'm going to implement (you can hook with SetWindowsHookEx and do anything you want to that dialog, but its a ugly hack)