Archive: Display an Image on the left of all dialogs.

Display an Image on the left of all dialogs.

I would liek to display an image on the left side of the dialogs. I'm using Modern UI.
You can get a sample , if you use


The above line displays the image only for "Welcome" and "FInish" dialogs.
I would liek to have the same for Directory and InstallFiles Page.


The Directory and InstallFiles pages aren't designed to contain such large images. Theoretically you could modify the MUI/MUI2 pages using nsDialogs, but it would require a lot of coding. Your best option is to use the UltraModern UI instead, as I think it always shows the leftside branding image on all pages.


Edit: I also found this mod to ModernUI:

You can use AddBrandingImage and SetBrandingImage.



Even though I specified

AddBrandingImage left 100 5
SetBrandingImage "WelcomeImage.bmp"

it showed me the image on the right handside of the dialog

"InstallFiles" and "Destination" .Moreover the text boxes overlap on the image.Can't it be made not to overlap them.

I use Modern UI .