AccessControl (i cant use it)
Hi there,
I'm obviously missing something, i can't get the AccessControl plugin to work.
I'm using Vista, running as an admin user with the UAC turned on.
I'm trying to make a file have generic read and generic write access for all users, or maybe just full acccess.
I've tried the line:
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$strMachineIniPath" "(S-1-1-0)" "GenericRead + GenericWrite"
But this gives me an error when I compile, am I missing something such as including the dll or something?
I've copied the AccessControll.dll to the same directory as my install script (nsi and ini's).
After reading up on how to use a dll I've tried:
System::Call 'AccessControl.dll::GrantOnFile(t ."$strMachineIniPath", t ."(S-1-1-0)", t ."FullAccess")'
This compiles but does not seem to do what I wanted.
Also does a return value get pushed? I tried pop $r1, it had "success" in it, was that from this call or left over from a previous function call?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been reading the forums all morning and still dont see what I'm doing wrong.