Archive: Flags=DISABLED not working on run time

Flags=DISABLED not working on run time
i have designed a customized page which has 2 radio buttons and 1 input text box.

so if first radio button is selected then the text box should be visible and if second radio button is selected then the text box should be DISABLED. i tried by setting the Flags to DISABLED.

!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "ioC.ini" "Field 2" "Flags" "DISABLED"

its not working.

if i make the default state of Flags to DISABLED in .ini file then it remains DISABLED throughout and if i don't set the Flag then it remains visible throughout.

can anybody tell me what could be the possible problem.

any help is highly appreciated.

you can't edit the ini to modify the UI on the fly,
use the EnableWindow instruction