Archive: Problems with MUI / Skinning / Unicode

Problems with MUI / Skinning / Unicode
Hi Guys,

i decided to open another Topic that actually groups some different problems that all interact though.

Let me explain a little.

I have to build a Installer for an application that supports English, German and Japanese. So far not much of a problem, i decided developing everything on an English environment and then cater for the problems that Japanese would pose.

One of the requests was a "nice" Skin, so after looking around i settled for UMUI and actually was quite happy with it.

Until i started doing the Japanese stuff today.

I get a "SkinnedControls" Error (see pic)

I then reverted to MUI2 and at least i could build the installer (Using Unicode NSIS) i have seem some other errors with the XML.dll but have not dug into this yet.

So now i am looking for a way to get a "nice" Installer using MUI2, any suggestions, i found out i can exchange the modern-wizard.bmp and the header but that is not enough. I also looked into the wansis plugin but decided against it.

So what other options do i have? Any Ideas? Who has already done a skinned Installer (Unicode) and could provide an example.


Hi there,

Posted the same question in this thread:
I hope this will get an answer soon. By the way, since this post is very old, did you manage to overcome the error in the end?

If you need to use Unicode then the plug-ins must be built as Unicode (or must support ANSI/Unicode duality depending on the built installer). If you don't fancy updating the plug-ins you could instead build the current NSIS source which supports ANSI plug-ins with a Unicode installer. How that will work out with those plug-ins though I cannot say. It's still work in progress though so I wouldn't recommend that anyway. I'm not sure why the language is allowed to be selected though unless UMUI shows all languages including those that cannot be displayed. MUI2 does not by default as far as I know.


You can try out my solution - it is a fully skinned installer based on MUI2
It uses another approach than UMUI so it supports everything that is supported in NSIS - also UNICODE versions [because my solution is independent on this factor]
Check my signature to find out more.