Archive: Remove the icon before the caption

Remove the icon before the caption
I am new, now i have a problem with the icon before the captoin in the installer and uninstaller.

My customer wants to remove the icon. I have looked for solution for a long times, but could not find one.

who can help me?

I will be very appreciated!

Hi, Red Wine
Firstly, thank you for you reply, and your link.

I saw that link and the wiki yesterday.

I added the following sentence at the end of my .nsh script:

!packhdr "exehead.tmp" '"C:\Program Files\ResHack\ResHacker.exe" -delete exehead.tmp, exehead.tmp, icongroup,103,'

It showed error:
Processed 1 file, writing output:
Error: invalid script: never had OutFile command
Error - aborting creation process

I thought the error means i did not write the OutFile command. But I wrote.

And, I used the ResHacker.exe directly to modify the icon resouce, i found my installer's icon which Windows displays changed. It is not my purpose.

You are missing OutFile.


Re: Afrow UK

Hi,Thank you.

I am not missing OutFile. I wrote the command in my .nsh script.

But it still showed error!

You cannot argue with what the compiler says. Have you included the nsh file in your main script?


Re: Afrow UK

yes, I have included the nsh file in my script.

I would check the script again!

If you have other ideas, please tell me! waiting online!

And, thank you very much!