Archive: SetBrandingImage Catch 22 ?

SetBrandingImage Catch 22 ?
Both AddBrandingImage and SetBrandingImage work for me (not trivial, I must add). However, I can't seem to figure out how to display it on the license page and the setup page. It is only displayed in the page where the sections are executed.

I do know that SetBrandingImage can be called only inside a section. So I included it in the first section that gets executed. However, this occurs only after the user clicks [Next] on the license page and the setup page.

How do I make SetBrandingImage work in the license page and the setup page?


Problem solved. :D

I just discovered the wonders of MUI and I wonder where was I sleeping all that time, working without MUI...

Not only MUI is more impressive and simpler - it also comes with the best documentation I could dream of: Samples. :D

So my solution was simply to totally eliminate the 'Page' instructions and use '!insertmacro MUI_PAGE' instead.

I was then able to use !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP.
