Archive: is the user is in the groups administrators and power users

is the user is in the groups administrators and power users

I need to check if the user thet installes my program is administrator and power user.

I have already macro thet tells me if the user is administratr, and i want to know if his is apower user as well.

i want to do so in the minimom tables.


Use the included MultiUser.nsh.

i didnt understod how to use it...
i just need avalue thet will say if the user is power user ,
and then i will check if he is an admin as well.

how to use multiuser for my problem?

Use documentation in ${NSISDIR}\Docs\MultiUser\Readme.html

Among other useful things, multiuser.nsh returns the values you're seeking, it's advised to read the docs as pospec suggested and learn how to use the multiuser.nsh.

i trying to use GetUserGroups macro, and i getting the "Could not place all the user's groups into an array!"

and i can't understend why, i using 10 on 10 array, and i got only 2 groups name from the macro.

thnks. it's all works now. i just swiched to ver 1.