Archive: Detecting Phalanger

Detecting Phalanger
At the moment I am swapping form Roadsend to Phalanger (php compiler). Working through the changes I am now stuck at doing the installation.

I see I can check if .Net is installed but I also need to see if Phalanger is installed within .Net how do I do this detection?


Look into your registry. Visit Phalanger forum.

This REALLY isn't NSIS related.

Umm sorry I have and posted a message there as well asking for information but I would like to detect it from nsis that seems to be a far reason to post here and ask for help.

So far as the registry I have been thru there, from what I see .Net doesn't seem to use the registry all that heavily I am assuming it uses something else to store information.

In any case my question is just as relevant a question as asking how to detect if .Net is installed or any other how do I with NSIS. I want my nsis package to be able to detect if it is there and if not tell the user installing my widget that they need to install Phalanger before my nsis installation will proceed .. what's the problem?

Thanks for being so helpful.

Go to Phalanger forum, ask guys there how could you recognize if it is installed and then come back for help. I don't know nothing about that Phalanger and I am afraid that somebody here does.

Originally posted by pospec
Go to Phalanger forum, ask guys there how could you recognize if it is installed and then come back for help. I don't know nothing about that Phalanger and I am afraid that somebody here does.
There is an old saying that I will mangle for you.. If you have nothing to say why say it?

If you do not want (or are unable) to help that's fine but if you wouldn't mind ......

I have nothing to say? OooKeey... I am able to help, but you are unable to find. Bye.

Jees you say "I know nothing" then it is "I am able to help" do you work for Microsoft?

If you do not know the answer or are unwilling to help why in the feck are you still flapping at me? In the past I have found the nsis area to be a great help when stuck why are you making such a noise?

I ask for help .. if you do not want to help fine but go for a walk or something.


I have installed that Phalanger, searched registry and found record in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Phalanger. You could do it yourself instead of your crying for help here and blaming me. Do you know how to read this registry in NSIS script?

I blame you for nothing except your own rudeness. As for 'crying' I asked a question, you are the master of the song and dance.

I found that key on one machine but not on another. There are actually notes in the nsis wiki that mentions registry entries may be unreliable with .Net

I didn't say that I am master and I don't see nothing rude when I sent you to ask Phalanger guys.

Whoaa ... It's really stupid.

Jenolan, pospec had to install phalanger and do YOUR WORK only to avoid heard you crying ...

is it rude to say this is not a phalanger forum?
Okayyy ... it wasn't a question to answer.

Your attitude is really a shame.

Anyway, I didn't read your thanks for his help, that say a lot about you.