27th May 2008 11:53 UTC
Can we use a .net dll with NSIS script
I am creating a setup using NSIS scirpt, I am getting the License key for an application in a form and then pass this
License key information to a .net dll for validating and getting back the results.
I tried a smaple valdiation program using c++ .dll and it works fine.
But unable to directly use a .net dll.
Can any one help.
Thanks in advance.
27th May 2008 12:06 UTC
you might want to try asking for help in the right forum next time. i'll forgive you this time and move it for you.
Afrow UK
27th May 2008 12:32 UTC
You cannot call a .Net dll. You should convert the dll to a command-line executable and execute that with nsExec::ExecToStack or ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK
Edit: Or call the managed dll from a unmanaged dll (which you can call using the System plug-in) or write an NSIS plug-in (unmanaged dll) to call your managed dll.
13th August 2008 09:26 UTC
Hi. You actually can call a managed C++/CLR DLL. I have just posted a solution to this in the forum here: http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=295881