Archive: Inheriting User Permissions for IIS

Inheriting User Permissions for IIS
I have an installer that creates a directory in the InetPub\wwwroot directory, then installs to that directory. While the directory gets the right permissions, the contents of the site do not.
When I create the directory manually, then copy over manually the contents, the contents inherit the correct permissions.

Any one have any ideas how to get the right permissions inherited?

Here's the code:
ReadRegStr $InstallPath HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" "PathWWWRoot"
StrCpy $R1 $InstallPath 1 -1
${If} $R1 == "\"
strCpy $INSTDIR "$InstallPath$1"
strCpy $INSTDIR "$InstallPath\$1"
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR
strCpy $SavePath $INSTDIR
File /r Presentation_Layer\*
IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Web.config fconfig nconfig