Archive: file not completly written

file not completly written
ac.jnlp is my configfile with 53 lines, i read a tamplat of them, replace some placeholder and writ them to a specific directory.

Var /global ac.jnlp_template
Var /global fp_ac.jnlp
FileOpen $fp_ac.jnlp '${copiedfiles_Path}\Templates\html\diag\\jnlp\ac\ac.jnlp' r
IfErrors ac.jnlp_done
FileRead $fp_ac.jnlp $2
Detailprint $2
IfErrors ac.jnlp_eof
StrCpy $ac.jnlp_template '$ac.jnlp_template$2'
Goto -4
FileClose $fp_ac.jnlp
Var /global fp_ac.jnlp_patched
Var /global ac.jnlp_patched
${StrRep} $ac.jnlp_patched "$ac.jnlp_template" "$Server" "$Servername" #Ersetzen des Platzhalters $Server mit dem Inhalt der Variablen $Server
SetOutPath '$INSTDIR\html\diag\jnlp\AC'
FileOpen $fp_ac.jnlp_patched 'ac.jnlp' w
IfErrors ac.jnlp_patched_done
FileWrite $fp_ac.jnlp_patched $ac.jnlp_patched
Messagebox MB_OK "$ac.jnlp_patched"
FileClose $fp_ac.jnlp_patched
Goto +4
DetailPrint 'Konnte ac.cfg nicht öffnen.(schreiben)'
Goto +2
DetailPrint 'Konnte ac.cfg nicht öffnen.(lesen)'

ok the detailprint show me, that my file is completely read.

but if i write the string to the file, he only writes 29 lines. This is a Problem.

in a second test he writes only 31 lines with fewer text per line. in my opinion is the space of a Variable to small.

or the length of the string is too small

NSIS variables are limited to 1024 characters. You can download NSIS special build with 8192 max string length, but that isn't really a solution.

What you should do is to read and write the file in 1024 blocks. It needs a little planning, but it can be done.


oh thats a good info, thanks.

ok i chaned it but now i have an "ungültiger Befehlscode"-Error

Var /global fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg
Var /global fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched
Var /global alarmconfigurator.cfg_template
Var /global alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched
/* Datei einlesen und schreiben*/
FileOpen $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg '${copiedfiles_Path}\Templates\html\diag\jnlp\AlarmConfigurator\alarmconfigurator.cfg' r
IfErrors alarmconfigurator.cfg_done
Messagebox MB_OK "öffnen lesen ging"
SetOutPath '$INSTDIR\html\diag\jnlp\AlarmConfigurator'
FileOpen $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched 'alarmconfigurator.cfg' w
IfErrors alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched_done
Messagebox MB_OK "öffnen schreiben ging"
Messagebox MB_OK "vor dem zeile lesen"
FileRead $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg $1
Messagebox MB_OK "zeilen lesen ging \r\n Wert: $1"
IfErrors alarmconfigurator.cfg_eof
StrCpy $alarmconfigurator.cfg_template '$1'

${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_template" "$ServerDB" "$ProduktivDB_Hostname"
#${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "" "$ProduktivDB_TNSname"
${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "$DB" "$ProduktivDB_DBSID"
#${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "" "$ProduktivDB_Listenerport"
${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "$User" "$ProduktivDB_Mainuser"
#${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "" "$ProduktivDB_MainuserPasswort"
${StrRep} $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched "$alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched" "$Server" "$Servername"

FileWrite $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched
iferrors 0 +2
Messagebox MB_OK "Fehler beim schreiben"

Messagebox MB_OK "zeile schreiben ging \r\n Wert: $alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched"
Goto -13

FileClose $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg_patched
FileClose $fp_alarmconfigurator.cfg

Goto +4
DetailPrint 'Konnte alarmconfigurator.cfg_template nicht öffnen.(schreiben)'
Goto +2
DetailPrint 'Konnte alarmconfigurator.cfg_template nicht öffnen.(lesen)'

the first line is writen into the File, but then where he must jump 13 Lines back, there comes the Error

I dont know why

Use jump to label instead of relative jump. ${StrRep} is a macro so there is actually a lot more lines than 13.


oh ... ok

thanks this helps