Text color of a checkbox
Hi there,
I have added a LicenseForceSelection checkbox to the License page, but I can't succeed in getting the right text color shown by the checkbox. The text stays black, which is quite bad on a dark blue background.
BTW, how can I change the color of the text displayed in the header ("License agreement...") ?
I am using MakeNSISW 2.3 and Vista.
!include 'mui.nsh'
!include 'C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\WinMessages.nsh'
XPStyle off
LicenseForceSelection checkbox
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE 'License.txt'
BgGradient "0x000064" "0x9696FF" "0xFFFFFF"
; Background color in the license edit control
LicenseBkColor '0x9696FF'
Function lic_show
FindWindow $1 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $2 $1 1034
; I want a dark blue bg and a light blue text
SetCtlColors $2 '0x9696FF' '0x000064'
What's wrong ?