Archive: Modal Bitmap while ExecWait

Modal Bitmap while ExecWait
Hi together,

in my Installer in some circumstances i need to start a other application, cause this other application has amongst other things also a setup routine which i couldn't clone inside my installer. I'm starting the other App with ExecWait and all work will be done inside .onInit.

This other application does not only do the described installer work (it will start MSIEXEC with for me unknown parameters and is doing something) - it starts immediately after. And this is the Problem! The user now has to quit the application, because it's not ready, cause now i have to do other tings inside my installer.

My wish is now to display a Message box ... or better something like a Bitmap or SplashScreen, which is modal in front of all other applications (called TopMost?) during the time, the external Application is running, so the veryvery EndUser can't forget it ...

After quitting the external App, my installer will continue to do the rest of the work.


Included banner plugin could be what you want.

Thx Red Wine ... this would help if its possible to show this in front of all other windows - but i think its not possible?!

If banner doesn't cover what you want, there are some other plugins at wiki which offer different appearance.