Archive: Dialog InputBox

Dialog InputBox
Hello guys.
I hope you can help me with the following problem.

I need to do the following.
- I need a script that will have three InputBoxes on which users can type whatever they want.
For example:
Box 1: [XXXX] (variable $1)
Box 2: [XXXX] ($2)
Box 3: [XXXX] ($3)
I also need for the input of each box to be a variable.
Then, below those boxes, I need to have a dropdown list (can also be radio buttons) like:
Option 1: X10 [variable $4] (the variable has to be X10 if selected)
Option 2: Y10 [variable $4] (the variable has to be Y10 if selected)

Once the boxes have been filled, and the dropdown list selected, I need the variables to "get registered" so that I can save them on a INI file with a command like:
WriteINIStr $EXEDIR\Settings.ini MainGroup Box1 $1

Thanks for the help :)

Start with the step-by-step tutorial as introduced into nsdialogs documentation.