Archive: MUI text propagates to next page... fix?

MUI text propagates to next page... fix?
Probably a dumb question...

Using MUI2, I use a MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY and, of course, as is proper, it says "Choose the folder in which to install Aeon Test"

That's all well and good, but the next page is a custom page...

And the next after...

and it still says that up top for both.

Since these custom pages aren't "Choose the directory" pages anymore, it shouldn't say this anymore.

How can I make it go away?

Use the MUI_HEADER_TEXT macro to set a new title. It accepts two parameters. One for the title and one for the subtitle.

*nods* I'd gotten that... just on my custom pages I was hoping there was a way to make it go away altogether so I could use the real estate on the page.

The MUI_HEADER_TEXT replaces the text with what you give it does it not?


Yup, and if I give it a blank string it blanks it out, but there's the rectangle up top of the page still.