Archive: How to detect Vista64 vs. Vista32?

How to detect Vista64 vs. Vista32?
Hello world,

I know that I can datect if my installer is running on Vista with the LogicLib and WinVer includes using

${If} ${IsWinVista}
But what is the "standard" (recommended) way to separate the 32-bit from the 64-bit version?

You can use the GetVersion plug-in to detect this.


I guess, if you know already that you're under Vista, you could just compare $PROGRAMFILES32 and $PROGRAMFILES64

If they are different, you're under a 64-bits OS

In x64.nsh you have ${If} ${RunningX64}

I found this thread while searching for the same - but not for Vista only. Is there a more general way in NSIS to find the bitness of the OS?

If not for any OS, perhaps for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7?


kichik's answer applies to all windows versions.
