Archive: Ask Question/Find File/Create Reg entry

Ask Question/Find File/Create Reg entry
Good Morning, I have a brief series of questions all pertaining to one process of the installer...

Here's what I want to do:

At some point, ask the user if they have a particular 3rd-party product installed:

1. Ask if "Product Z" is installed
Â_ NO: Continue on...
Â_ YES: 1. Un-grey out Directory/File Browser
Â_ 2. Let User browse Dir structure for certain file
Â_ 3. User selects file, Add full Dir path to registry

I think I can grasp the Regisry portion fairly easily, but I haven't seen anything yet on items 1 and 2. Can anyone help me?

Thank you~!!

You need a custom page here, therefore you may want to review nsDialogs documentation/examples or IntallOptions documentation/examples respectively. The testnotify.nsi example would show you how to start.
Searching the forum and wiki would be useful as well.