Archive: Registry Entry for "All Users"

Registry Entry for "All Users"
Hi NSIS specialists,

I wonder where to write a registry string, if the customer installs not only for the current user, but for "all users".

For a single user we take: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...". What shall we use for all users: "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT"? I thought this was only copied as default for newly created users.

Or do I have to copy it to all the users: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-19...

Any comment appreciated! Thanks in advance...


Is there something wrong with HKLM ?

Hello Red Wine.

Thanks for your reply.

No, nothing is wrong with HKLM. But we have info that must be spread identically for all users as default. Then every user can save his own settings. Isn't that something for HKCU?


HKCU is used more for user profile and other OS-related stuff. And it might get tricky to deal with when you have multiple users.

HKLM on the other hand is available to anyone, no matter who is logged into the computer. So I agree with Red Wine: Use HKLM unless your application has some specific reasons to do otherwise.

HKLM is ok
Hello Red Wine and Comperio,

many thanks to both of you. I will use HKLM for the common things I mentioned and the user software will then save user specific stuff to HKCU.

Unfortunately I have to change the user software for that. But you're right, this seems to be the best solution. Thanks again.
