Archive: A bunch of custom page problems (background color \ banner)

A bunch of custom page problems (background color \ banner)
I am having some problems with my custom pages. I have created my ini with HM NIS and it shows up in my installer.

The two biggest things driving me nuts are

1) I still cant figure out how to set the background color of my custom page to white. I've tried reading other threads and I think this code

InstallOptions::InitDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\dbpaths.ini"
Pop $R0
SetCtlColors $R0 0x000000 0xFFFFFF

is the solution but I have no idea where to put it

2) After I go past my custom page to my EULA page and go back the banner at the has the License Agreement heading and subheading. Why is this happening?

Two general questions

1) Is there a way to remove the banner on custom \ any pages to get more vertical pixels for left hand images like the Welcome \ Finish page?
2) Can you change both the background colors of custom pages and welcome finish pages independent of each other?

Thank You for any help!

It should work like this:

Page custom myCustomFunction myValidateFunction "My Custom Page"


Function myCustomFunction
InstallOptions::InitDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\dbpaths.ini"
Pop $R0
SetCtlColors $R0 0x000000 0xFFFFFF

Function myValidateFunction

LoRd_Mulder thank you so much for the help it worked perfectly.

Do you or anyone else have any idea about the other problems?

I actually figured out how to set the background color in modern ui


Does anyone know why:

After I go past my custom page to my EULA page and go back the banner at the has the License Agreement heading and subheading. Why is this happening?


Is there a way to remove the banner on custom \ any pages to get more vertical pixels for left hand images like the Welcome \ Finish page?