Archive: Tree structure of page Components

Tree structure of page Components

I would like to create dynamically a tree structure such as in the page components. I use the term "dynamic" because contrary to a traditional page components, I didn't know what are these components at the compilation time. In fact, I would like to reproduce an arborescence of the user with a checkbox for each component (during the execution).

I thought about 2 possibilities :
- Directly use a page components, but I don't know how to create dynamically sections (I though about using a macro but how can I call it ??? In fact, I think the processing has to be made in the function .onInit for exemple ...)
- Use a page custom but this kind of structure can't be simulated to my knowledge.

Any idea !!


PS : Sorry for my english because I'm foreign ...

You can use the EmbeddedLists plug-in. Still a member wants me to make some changes to it but I never have time.


Thank you Afrow UK,

I haven't see this plug-in before. I will try it.