Archive: Notice/Message before a page..

Notice/Message before a page..
How can i put a message up just before the directory page apears... cos i want to tell them something before it apears or when it apears...

Use the page show_function or pre_function!

More info at "4.5.4 Page" in the documentation ;)

I added:

Function .onVerifyInstDir
MessageBox MB_OK "My message"

But it shows at end of component page and start of directory page...

Maybe this will help.


Function MyMessage
MessageBox MB_OK "My message"


Ermm, Im using ExperienceUI

SO MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY...etc dont work

I see.. Sorry.

How about this one..


Function MyMessage
MessageBox MB_OK "My message"


Originally posted by XxXGoD
I added:

Function .onVerifyInstDir
MessageBox MB_OK "My message"

But it shows at end of component page and start of directory page...
The .onVerifyInstDir function will be called every time the user changes the directory on the directory page. It will be called even when the user changes only one single character of the directory. And it will be called when a new folder is highlighted in the "Browse..." dialog. Therefore this function is not suitable for displaying message boxes. Make a custom "pre_function" as described in chapter "4.5.4 Page" of the NSIS manual. Reading the manual can help a lot...

You must do it like:

; pages
page directory MyPreDirectoryFunction


Function MyPreDirectoryFunction
MessageBox MB_OK "Be warned, you'll have to choose a directory now!"


That doesn't work for me.

yelkrebb that pops up one and works for me but i cant seem to make it pop up at the directory page, it pops up at the start just after my spash screen

My code is correct, though ExperienceUI does hide the actual "page" commands in it's macros! So you will have to use the Syntax provided by ExperienceUI instead of the "native" NSIS syntax in that case. Should be documented in the ExperienceUI manual...

This is how I think it should work:

; page macros

; custom functions
Function MyMessage
MessageBox MB_OK "My message"

Make sure you put the XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE define *directly* before the XPUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY macro! Do *not* put any other page macros in between! That's at least how it works with MUI, MUI2 and UMUI...

!insertmacro: XPUI_PAGECHECKS
Call must be used with function names starting with "un." in the uninstall section.
Usage: Call function_name | [:label_name]
Error in macro XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION on macroline 3
Error in macro XPUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY on macroline 38
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\Ryan\Desktop\h1o.nsi" on line 110 -- aborting creation process

Doesn't work for some reason...

The reason im using XPUI is because it looks nicer than normal installers and cant seem to make normal installers look like XPUI

Are doing this for the UNinstaller ???

Please post your complete script code...


This is from XPUI docs, took my one click in Google to find ;)

Using custom page/GUI functions

XPUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIINIT myFunction - Define this to call custom function "myFunction" during the installer's GUI initialization.

XPUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIEND myFunction - Define this to call custom function "myFunction" during the installer's GUI de-initialization. Use this to unload any plugins you have and delete any temporary files that you dumped on to the user's hard drive.

XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE myFunction - Call function "myFunction" during the early initialization of an installer page.

XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_SHOW myFunction - Call function "myFunction" right before an installer page shows.

XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE myFunction - Call function "myFunction" while an installer page is unloading.

NOTE: After defining the XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION symbols, insert the page of your choice, and that will be the page that calls your custom functions. You will need to define the CUSTOMFUNCTION symbols for every page that you want a custom function for.

If you used XPUI before, you might want to check out UMUI as well:

I fixed it

Had to do:

${Page} Welcome
; ${LicensePage} "E:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\lic.rtf"
${Page} Components
${Page} Directory
${Page} InstFiles
${Page} Finish

Have to put the define in where the page's are and then move the rest of what you said below the pages

I have been reading the INI section of the documentation and am wondering if:

Can i edit a text file and add a line at the bottom of it adding the text

exec autoexec.cfg

As I said: You must put the XPUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE define right before the page macro. Don't put anything in between, especially no other page macro!

Append lines to a text file this way:

  ; open file
FileOpen $0 "autoexec.cfg" a
IfErrors FileErrors

; seek to the end of the file
FileSeek $0 0 END

; append a few lines
FileWrite $0 "Rabbit$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Umbrella$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Joker$\r$\n"

; close file
FileClose $0


What does the foloowing do:


$\r$\n are symbols for a carriage return ($\r) and new line ($\n) character.

Works perfectly, however on some peoples pc's it wont be there..

How can i add it so IF that file isn't there it will put it there, but if it is it wont... but the other files what im putting in i want to overright

You can check for file existence with IfFileExists command ;)

Also, the above code should work, no matter if the file exists before or not...

Originally posted by LoRd_MuldeR
You can check for file existence with IfFileExists command ;)

Also, the above code should work, no matter if the file exists before or not...
But theres 1 file what i dont want it to overwrite.

I want it to only put the file in if there is no file there....


IfFileExists $INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg autoexecfound
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ryan\Desktop\autoexec.cfg"
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg" a
IfErrors FileErrors
FileSeek $0 0 END
FileWrite $0 "TestLine$\r$\n"
FileClose $0

Is that right?

So if the file is there it's going to jump the step: File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ryan\Desktop\autoexec.cfg"

You code should extract a the "autoexec.cfg" to the $INSTDIR folder, but *only* when there is no such file yet. If the file already exists, that part will be skipped. In both cases one line, namely "TestLine", will be appended to the "autoexec.cfg" file. One tip though: You can not be sure that the last line of the user's "autoexec.cfg" file has a carriage return at it's end. So it might be more safe to do it this way:

  IfFileExists $INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg autoexecfound
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ryan\Desktop\autoexec.cfg"


FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg" a
IfErrors FileErrors
FileSeek $0 0 END
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n" ; <-- THIS IS NEW
FileWrite $0 "TestLine$\r$\n"
FileClose $0


Or even better:

IfFileExists $INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg autoexecfound
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Ryan\Desktop\autoexec.cfg"


FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\autoexec.cfg" a
IfErrors FileErrors
FileSeek $0 1 END
FileReadByte $0 $1
StrCmp $1 10 CarriageReturnFound:
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"

FileWrite $0 "TestLine$\r$\n"
FileClose $0


yeah, awesome i learnt alot today :D