please check my custom dll section
Hi All ,

I have an installer which performs installing the vb runtimes , using VB6RunTime.nsh , I also made my own sections for a few custom dlls provided to me by the vb shell developer of my project, uptil now it has worked on all machines ive tested on , more than 6 vista machines and two or three xp until friday , where i had another users vista machine give me a Run-time error '48' error in loading DLL.

I have always noticed that during the install , when the installer is handling the vb6 files it always displays 'could not load' during the handling of msvbvm60.dll . I have ingored this up till now as it never seemed to effect the install and has always worked. Why does this display? (I downloaded the needed DLL's from sourceforge)

So the info im looking for now is this, I need to eliminate the possibility that im not unpacking/registering these dlls incorrectly before i have the vb developer tear into his code looking for an error, could a skilled nsis mod/dev person please look at my script quickly and let me know if all is good?

my custom section is named Section "-otherfiles" it starts on line 258 using HM NIS Edit .. I have attached the nsi file

thank you
