Archive: Problem with Abort page and custom page

Problem with Abort page and custom page

I have a little problem with my UltraModernUI installer.

I'm trying to add an Abort page to my installer but it always jump to my custom page instead to UMUI_PAGE_ABORT when i click on the cancel button on one of the pages.

I'm using:

insertmacro UMUI_PAGE_ABORT 

I have one custum page (and the other built-in):

Page custom EnterPasswordPage ValidatePassword


Function EnterPasswordPage
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Enter Installation Password" "Enter installation password"

Push $R0
::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$TEMP\Password.ini"
Pop $R0
I have WELCOME, LICENSE, COMPONENTS, myCustom, INSTFILES, FINISH pages that all of them are working perfectly but when i click on cencel in one of them myCustom page pops up.... :(

Done anyone know what the problem is?? please help...

This will solve the problem:

Page custom EnterPasswordPage ValidatePassword

Function EnterPasswordPage

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Enter Installation Password" "Enter installation password"

Push $R0
InstallOptions::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$TEMPPassword.ini"
Pop $R0

It prevents you custom page from popping up after the installer was aborted :)

Also in UMUI you should show custom InstallOptions pages with the pre-defined macros to get correct (skinned) stlye:

; pages
Page custom EnterPasswordPage ValidatePassword
!insertmacro UMUI_PAGE_ABORT

Function .onInit
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT_AS "pages\my_page.ini" "my_page.ini"

Function EnterPasswordPage
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "My Page" "This my page, not yours!"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_DISPLAY "my_page.ini"

First of all thanks a lot!!

Those changes did the job nice but now i still have a little problem when i click cancel on my custom page it doesnt jump to the abort page - the page stuck on my custom page after the click (only when i click back the installer close)

All the rest pages are just fine.

Do you know what can cause it?

Maybe your "ValidatePassword" function is calling the "Abort" instruction for some reason, so the custom page cannot leave...

You are damn right... you remind me that cancel will also do the "ValidatePassword" function call
And again... Thanks !!!!!

Maybe you can do it like that

Function ValidatePassword
Goto SkipPasswordChecks

; Check whether password is okay or not
; You may call ABORT here

