Archive: embedding installer help

embedding installer help
i have read throug the example on embedding installers in NSIS but i can't get the directx runtime to work correctly. I have all the files needed for it in a folder called redist and the setup file is in that folder I want to install it silently as well without user interference. Here is what i have maybe someone could suggest something to get it to run right, i see what the installer pops up and then goes away real quick before the user has the chance to install in a non silent way but i want it done silently if possible. And also the shortcut to the start menu will not delete either with this. Thanks for you help.

# define name of installer
outFile "FIAR Setup.exe"

# define installation directory
installDir "$PROGRAMFILES\MooseMan Studios"

# start default section

# set the installation directory as the destionation for the following actions
setOutPath $INSTDIR

# create the uninstaller
writeUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"

# install dx runtime before installing game files
file "Redist\dxsetup.exe"
file "Redist\dsetup.dll"
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\dxsetup.exe /silent"

# write the files out to the install directory
file "Four In A Row.exe"
file background.tga
file credits.jpg
file intro.jpg
file mainmenu.jpg

# create a shortcut named "Four In A Row" on the desktop
# point the new shortcut at the program executable
createShortCut "$DESKTOP\Four In A Row.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Four In A Row.exe"

# create a shortcut named "Four In A Row" in the menu folders
createShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MooseMan Studios\Four In A Row.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Four In A Row.exe"

# uninstaller section start
section "uninstall"

# first, delete the uninstaller
delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"

# delete all the game files
delete "$INSTDIR\Four In A Row.exe"
delete "$INSTDIR\background.tga"
delete "$INSTDIR\credits.jpg"
delete "$INSTDIR\intro.jpg"
delete "$INSTDIR\mainmenu.jpg"
delete "$INSTDIR\redist"

# second, remove the link from the desktop and start menu
delete "$DESKTOP\Four In A Row.lnk"
delete "$SMPROGRAMS\MooseMan Studios\Four In A Row.lnk"

# uninstaller section end

bump? anyone?

Originally posted by moose517
bump? anyone?
Don't be an ass, don't bump threads, you are lucky I'm even responding now

for silent installs, check

sorry if i sounded rude, i just though the thread had dropped enough to try and get it back to the top to see if anyone had a solution. I tried doing what is described in the first link with the requestexectutionLevel but now when i install it the start menu files fail to be created or deleted. And one more question, i can't get the registry write to work to be able to use the add/remove programs, i followed the example in the documentation to a T and it don't work.

NVM, i got it, thanks for your help any ways

Ok, so i thought that i had it, i ran it on an older computer and apparantly it didn't install the dx runtime, do i need to include all the cab files and dlls that are listed in the nsi file for it to be able to install them correctly? grr i thought creating a installer would be easy not hard

Just extract all the required files to $PLUGINSDIR and then run the main executable/msi with the correct switches to make it run silent. What could be easier?

File ...
File ...
ExecWait `"$PLUGINSDIR\..." ...` $R0
${If} $R0 != 0
MessageBox MB_OK error
