20th July 2008 15:19 UTC
SQL 2005 install on Vista
I'm installing SQL 2005 Express silently from an installer using this code:
ExecWait "$PLUGINSDIR\SQLEXPR.EXE -q /norebootchk /qb reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=${SQLCatalog} SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 ERRORREPORTING=1 SQLAUTOSTART=1 SAPWD=${SQLPassword} SECURITYMODE=SQL DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0"
In XP everything works fine, but in Vista it fails when it tryed to start the services.
Any ideas whats the problem ?
20th July 2008 20:15 UTC
requestexecutionlevel admin ?
20th July 2008 20:20 UTC
Yes sure, admin, highest, still dosn't work
It installs everything but when it tries to start the services it fails.
In the same installer I install .Net and other stuff without any problem.
21st July 2008 05:28 UTC
maybe the event log has some info about why it fails
21st July 2008 08:11 UTC
Error 1920. Service 'SQL Server VSS Writer' (SQLWriter) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.