Archive: 32/64 bit plugins

32/64 bit plugins

I have my own plugin and I am having trouble getting it to work on 64 bit.

The thing is that I call my plugin from the installer script:

${If} ${RunningX64}

I am compiling it on a 32bit machine. But during compilation the script parsing checks the plugin calls during compilation wich ofc results in an error as the 64 bit plugins will not run.

Is there a way to cancel out the plugin checks during compilation?

Or can I generate a 32 bit installer on a 64 bit machine?

Or is it impossible to run a installer plugin for 32 bit and 64 bit from the same script.... :(



btw, trying the 32 bit plugins on a 64 bit fails because the plugins are being installed somewhere where the script cannot access them....


32-Bit installers (x86) will run on a 64-Bit system ("x86-64" aka "AMD64") just fine. They will simply run as 32-Bit processes. But keep in mind that 32-Bit processes can only load 32-Bit DLLs, they can *not* load 64-Bit DLLs. The same applies to 64-Bit processes: They can load 64-Bit DLLs, but 32-Bit DLL's can't be loaded! Therefore it's simply impossible to call 64-Bit plugins from a 32-Bit installer. Also it's impossible to call 32-Bit plugins from a 64-Bit installer...

I understand, my question was more if anyone else is having trouble running there 32bit plugin on a 64bit Vista platform.

I cannot see the NSIS plugin directory showing up in the temporary directory.
