InetLoad - Downloading files from Website
Hello Friends,

We are using Confluence as our Wiki and we will upload all our installers to one space.

To login to Wiki we need to enter the username and password. Can i pass the login username and password through InetLoad command?

I have written the download section like below, but this is not working.

Section "instopDownload" SecDummy

DetailPrint "Downloading.."
InetLoad::load /SILENT "AMR Setup Down Load is in Progress.. Please Wait..." "" "$EXEDIR\Ameer_Upgradesetup.exe"
Pop $0
DetailPrint "Downloading Completed Successfully."
MessageBox MB_OK "SIS Client Download Status: $0"
DetailPrint "Please wait..upgrading the software..."
ExecWait "Ameer_Upgradesetup.exe"

