Archive: Cannot deploy NSI with SMS2003

Cannot deploy NSI with SMS2003
We have made a package (.exe) with nullsoft but we cannot deploy the package.

If I do it manually, it works.

Can somebody help me?

What exactly to you mean by "deploy"?

deploy software with Microsoft SMS 2003 remotely to a machine without human intervention I mean.

So with switches installing all kind of software.

The thing is that a package created with Nullsoft's installer, I can't give any switches to silently install that program/package.

Ah, gotcha...
I've heard of SMS, but personally haven't used it. (I thought it was mainly used to deploy MSI-based installations.)

If all you need is a silent install, then NSIS can surely do that (using a /S switch). You can even make up your own command switches if you need and use the GetOptions and GetParameters macros to parse them.

However, just adding the /s (or other parameter) isn't going to guarantee you a 100% automatic install. This is not to say it can't be done, but you'll probably need to add some logic into your installation to handle it. (In MSI, all that extra "logic" is part of the Windows installer itself, so the developer really doesn't have to think about it too much.)

Not sure if this really helps or not. (Perhaps someone else out there has had more experience using SMS that could offer some other help.)

Maybe I can put my nsi file so you can have a look and maybe see the fault. I didn't make it, I just have to deploy it but there must be a thing that doesn't like sms and I don't know what.

As far as making it silent, the things to do is to just look over the script to see how much info it's trying to get from the user. (Remember, a silent install won't be able to ask for input.)

Start with the pages to see what the user is being asked for and then find a way to provide the info automatically. Then, look at the section code and see if there are any "per user" settings that you may not have access to.

(This all assumes, of course, that the problem is with the install not able to handle silent mode. If there are other requirements of SMS the prevent your install from deplying, then I trust you to be able to spot those since, like I said before, I have almost 0 experience with SMS.)

PM me if you'd still like me to take a look.