Archive: Vista blocks my autostart nsis installer! I need some help.

Vista blocks my autostart nsis installer! I need some help.
Hello all,
i have create an installer which installs a TAPI-Connector(32Bit or 64Bit). My Problem is that, this install process need sometimes a reboot because windows block the deleting of some Files. (Shity, Windows permisssion.)"File is in use by Windows processed and some other bla bla". I resolved this problem in followed way. If my installer can´t delete some files the current running installer installs an another "after-reboot-installer" <- I know thats bad but must do this.
The system reboot and my "After-reboot-installer" finishing my installation and delete himself. This works fine with XP but this "WUUUAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHHHH" Vista blocks my "Autostart After reboot" NSIS installer.

My problem:

In which way i can tell Vista, "Shut up! And install this program. You don´t need 2000 thousands "Yes, i will install this horably 100%percent evil, quarentee virus cursed program."

<- That´s not worked with regestry entrys in HKLM /SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run or as an smstartup link. Vista sucks! Please help. Or shoot vista die. :-)

are you using the RequestExecutionLevel command? can you attach your script?

Yes i have used RequestExecutionLevel ones as Admin and Highest. But this had no effects. Script ... öhhhm... that´s followed tommorow i must cut it. 2100 commands and 46 included nsh files. Over 4000 lines.

An other Question. on NSIS sourceforge i read that´s given an UAC Plugin. I didn´t understand the help instructions realy. is this plugin usabable for resolving my problem? How do it works?

The RequestExecutionLevel command written in the first line of my "After reboot installer".

here my cuted file.

this is by design, you are not supposed to get UAC prompts at startup. Using the runonce key might work.

You might have another obstacle: Vista comes with Windows Defender, which I've found even blocks some of MS's own installations that try to run when the computer is rebooted. :(