Archive: Does anyone have a function to parse connection strings?

Does anyone have a function to parse connection strings?
  eg. Something that will parse:
"Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;User ID=user;Password=password"

into 4 variables:
$DataSource = "server"
$InitialCatalog = "database"

This seems to do the trick...

push "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;User ID=user;Password=password"

>pop $0

>${WordFind} $0 "Data Source=" "-1" $R0
>${WordFind} $R0 ";" "+1" $DataSource

>${WordFind} $0 "Initial Catalog=" "-1" $R0
>${WordFind} $R0 ";" "+1" $InitialCatalog

>${WordFind} $0 "User ID=" "-1" $R0
>${WordFind} $R0 ";" "+1" $UserId

>${WordFind} $0 "Password=" "-1" $R0
>${WordFind} $R0 ";" "+1" $Password

MessageBox MB_OK "***91;$DataSource|$InitialCatalog|$UserId|$Password***93;"

I put it into a function. It seems to work, but am I doing it correctly?

"!insertmacro ParseConnectionString"

>!macro ParseConnectionString ConnectionString Server Database UserId Password
Push "${ConnectionString}"

Call ParseConnectionString

Pop "${Password}"
Pop "${UserId}"
Pop "${Database}"
Pop "${Server}"

>Function ParseConnectionString
Exch$0 ; Connection string

push$1 ; Temp variable
push $R0 ; Server
push $R1 ; Database
push $R2 ; User Id
push $R3 ; Password

${WordFind} $0 "Data Source=" "E-1" $1
IfErrors+1 +3
StrCpy $R0 ""
Goto GetDatabase
${WordFind} $1 ";" "+1" $R0

WordFind} $0 "Initial Catalog=" "E-1" $1
IfErrors+1 +3
StrCpy $R1 ""
Goto GetUserId
${WordFind} $1 ";" "+1" $R1

${WordFind} $0 "User ID=" "E-1" $1
IfErrors+1 +3
StrCpy $R2 ""
Goto GetPassword
${WordFind} $1 ";" "+1" $R2

${WordFind} $0 "Password=" "E-1" $1
IfErrors+1 +3
StrCpy $R3 ""
Goto End
${WordFind} $1 ";" "+1" $R3

Exch 5 ; Move the previous value of $0 to the top of the stack
Pop$0 ; Restore $0 variable

Exch 4 ; Move the previous value of $1 to the top of the stack
Pop$1 ; Restore $1 variable

Exch $R1 ; Restore $R2 and put the database at the top of the stack
Exch ; Swap the database with the server output variable

Exch $R0 ; Restore $R0 and put the server at the top of the stack
Exch 2 ; Swap the server with the user id output variable

Exch $R2 ; Restore $R2 and put the user id at the top of the stack
Exch 3 ; Swap the user id with the password output variable

Exch $R3 ; Restore $R3 and put the password at the top of the stack

; Stack looks like this (bottom to top):
;Password|Database|Server|User Id

Exch 3 ; User Id|Password|Database|Server
Exch 2 ; Password|User Id|Database|Server
Exch 3 ; Server|User Id|Database|Password
Exch ; User Id|Server|Database|Password
Exch 2 ; Database|Server|User Id|Password
Exch ; Server|Database|User Id|Password
