Archive: Path is set correctly but msiexec still fails

Path is set correctly but msiexec still fails

I'm using nsis 2.36 on an older script,and I'm getting the msi package cannot be verified. It used to work on 2.36 before, I did not update nsis but updated to winxp SP3, could it be so?

The first directx exe execwait can execute fine. I have tried various combination of SetOutPath "$INSTDIR", SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Redistributable" and placed the files in same folder but still error with the second one.

Section -Prerequisites
; SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Redistributable"
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Install Microsoft DirectX 9 November 2007 Update?" /SD IDYES IDNO endInstallPhysX
ExecWait "Redistributable\directx_nov2007_redist.exe"
Goto endInstallPhysX
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Install the PhysX 2.8.1 Game Redistributable?" /SD IDYES IDNO endPrerequisites
ExecWait '"msiexec" /i "Redistributable\PhysX_Game_installer_281.msi"'

why not use the full path to PhysX_Game_installer_281.msi ?

Because it's not extracted to the installation directory, only in the source dir.

Ok, I understand what is going on now. It's trying to read the msi on the installed path, which I didn't copy. Thanks for the insight.