Archive: Help Needed!

Help Needed!
Ok so my friend bought a new pc(laptop)its vista and she cant install msn, yahoo or anything cuz she always get some NSIS message(error) she is not good at computers what so ever so can u experts out there plz help out? :cry: i have tried to read all the topic ALL of them searched the net for day for many hours a day! but i cant find anything that might help her... so plz help i am losing hope its annoying... well can u plz help with easy steps how to fix that and i mean EASY! i am a noob so u must be extremely easy on me lolz sorry for that i have asked and searched through out this site but that was just a waste of time cuz i couldnt find anything!... so what ever u do dont tell me to look in the FAQ or anything i have already searched till my eyes started to bleed i need help i cant take this anymore being so useless when a friend needs u is the worst...


MSN/Live messenger does not use NSIS (not sure about yahoo)

If you want help you will have to at least provide the error message...

ur right excuse me^^ um but what do u mean MSN doesn't use NSIS? so what does that mean? u can fix that right? and um her message was in polish and she cant English so very well so the translation might not be the best but here it is"Signature of (subscription of) problem name of event of problem give application name BEX version application MsnMsgr.Exe signature of time application 8.5.1302.1018 with error name unit 4717a53b with error version unit unknown signature of time unit with error slip of exception 00000000 code of exception 01519628 it give exception c0000005 version of operating system 00000008 identifier of (descriptor of) regional setup 6.0.6000. 1045

note: I used that site to translate what she said from Polish to English^^ and I asked her to translate that in her own words and she said "problem name:BEX
name of application:MsnMsgr.Exe
time of application signature:4717a53b
name module with error:unknown
version of module with error:
time of module signature with error: 00000000
displacement of exception: 0 c0000005 1519628
exception code: c0000005
exception information: 00000008
system version: 6.0.6000.
last one I dunno how to translate"

yeah u see the big gap? yeah ^^ um so for those who maybe can Polish maybe this is a good info? the real message in Polish: "Podpis problemu:
Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: BEX
Nazwa aplikacji: MsnMsgr.Exe
Wersja aplikacji: 8.5.1302.1018
Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4717a53b
Nazwa modułu z błędem: unknown
Wersja modułu z błędem:
Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 00000000
Przesunięcie wyjątku: 01519628
Kod wyjÄ…tku: c0000005
Dane wyjÄ…tku: 00000008
Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6000.
Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045"

so can anyone help?^^ PLZ HELP!

The error you attached looks to be a standard windows error. It's also referencing MsnMsgr.exe. I'm not sure how you managed to associate the error with NSIS. (The error itself doesn't even seem to reference an installation!)

This is a forum for topics related to NSIS development. Unless you can provide an example of an actual error coming from NSIS, then I'm afraid there is nothing more anyone here can help you with.

but she said it said NSIS on the message name^^