Archive: uninstaller doesn't self-delete

uninstaller doesn't self-delete
right, I've been doing the basic tutorials, and apart from the very first time the uninstaller won't self delete. I've tried checking my code and also pasting the exact code but that didn't help.

for instance this code:

# define installer name
outFile "installer.exe"

# set desktop as install directory
installDir $DESKTOP

# default section start

# define output path
setOutPath $INSTDIR

# specify file to go in output path
file test.txt

# define uninstaller name
writeUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe

# default section end

# create a section to define what the uninstaller does.
# the section will always be named "Uninstall"
section "Uninstall"

# Always delete uninstaller first
delete $INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe

# now delete installed file
delete $INSTDIR\test.txt

it does remove the test.txt file afterwards, but uninstall.exe remains.

also, is notepad the only way to edit these scripts or is there a better editor that can highlight the keywords, etc?

Well how can you delete a file that is currenly executing? It will automatically be deleted the next time Windows starts but if you need to delete it then and there I think there is a how to in the wiki..

cool thanks didn't know that :)

The uninstaller respawns itself so this won't happen. Also, if you don't use Delete /REBOOTOK, deletion will just fail instead of being queued for reboot.