Archive: Changes in MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY

Hi All

Last thread i asked the that how can i add a message box to the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY wizard when the installation directory is not having the required space. Thanks to Pospec for the reply, but my requirement was not that.

What i want is that even if user selects installation path where the space is not available, I dont want to disable the next button and when user clicks the next button than i want to do the space validation and if space is not available than i want to show the error message box, and than allow user to select the other installation path.


I agree that !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_VERIFYONLEAVE will not disable the next button and also does a verification on leave function but it does not sloves my problem, it is not staying no the same page after clicking next button. But it should stay if space is not available.

Use Abort to in the leave function to stay on the page.

Thanks a ton its working