Archive: deleting files in subdirectories

deleting files in subdirectories
Hi Everybody,

I have some question about removing files.

The following works fine.

Delete "$INSTDIR\update.cfgx"

The next to a file in a subdirectory and a file in the startmenu won't be removed ?

Delete "$INSTDIR\messages\fr\mainmessages.lbl"

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\StakePoint\StakePoint.lnk"

Thanks in adavance.


you probably got the path wrong, doublecheck with MessageBox

For the .lnk one, $SMSPROGRAMS by default refers to the current user. However alot of programs create links for "All Users." If the lnk is in "All Users" use

SetShellVarContext all
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\StakePoint\StakePoint.lnk"