Archive: Progressbar for extraction

Progressbar for extraction
Hi all!

We only use the NSIS compiler as to package our own installation in an easy way for our customers. We have used this solution for quite some time but I myself am completely new to working with NSIS.

So far NSIS has been run in silentmode and just executed our setup.exe installer which runs in normal mode (not silent). However now we have packages that are up to 200-400 mb and in silent mode it looks to the customer as though nothing is happening when we extract the files in silent mode.

I have been trying to just include the MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES which shows the progressbar fine but when our executable is called this dialog doesn't close but is still shown behind.

All help appreciated

Doesn't close after the installation is done? Use SetAutoClose or AutoCloseWindow.

Thank you for your response.

I would like the dialog to close as soon as extraction is done, I do not want it to wait for our executable to be closed as our installer has its own dialogs and this might be confusing for the end user.

hmm... are you maybe using ExecWait to launch the 2nd installation? If so, try using just Exec.

Thank you for your response again!

Maybe i wasn't being clear and for that I apologize but I am very new to using NSIS.

We are currently using ExecWait and if we use Exec instead this solves our problem. However we also would like the extraction folder to be deleted upon completion of the installer and currently delete the output folder when installation is done.

This is only possible by using ExecWait as far as I know. So the scenario we would like to achieve is a scenario where the extraction dialog closes upon completion of the extraction but the excraction folder containing our installer files will not be removed until the installer is finished.

I will attach my project and appreciate all help I can get.

I think you should continue to use ExecWait so that you can delete the extraction folder after the installer completes. While the installer is running you can hide the wrapper program that extracted it.

!include WinMessages.nsh
GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}